Lapchs1 Dreamhosters Content Uploads 2019 Promise Charter High School1 Lcap 2018

Use the following link to access the Local Command Funding Formula (LCFF) web page related to the fiscal information for LCFF.

Use the post-obit link to access the Tuesdays @ 2 Webinar Series spider web page.

Utilise the post-obit link to access the Crosswalk of LCFF, Title I, Role A, and Unproblematic and Secondary Schoolhouse Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Planning Requirements for the 2021–22 School Twelvemonth and Crosswalk of LCFF and Title I, Function A Planning Requirements for the 2022–23 School Year spider web pages.

LCAP Overview

The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to back up positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to run across their local needs. The components of the LCAP for the 2022–2023 LCAP year must be posted equally one certificate assembled in the post-obit order:

  • LCFF Upkeep Overview for Parents
  • Supplement to the Annual Update to the 2021–22 LCAP
  • Plan Summary
  • Engaging Educational Partners
  • Goals and Actions
  • Increased or Improved Services for Foster Youth, English Learners, and Low-income students
  • Action Tables
  • Instructions

LCFF State Priorities

The LCFF State Priorities Summary (DOCX) is a summary of the LCFF state priorities described in California Education Code (EC) Department 52060(d), for schoolhouse districts and charter schools, every bit applicable, and EC Section 52066(d) for county offices of pedagogy, to help in the evolution of the LCAP.

LEAs are required to address these country priorities, besides every bit whatsoever local priorities identified by the LEA, in the LCAP.

LCFF Budget Overview for Parents

  • LCFF Budget Overview for Parents (XLSX) Approved on December one, 2021
    • LCFF Budget Overview for Parents Instructions (DOCX)

LCAP Template

While the Excel version of the LCAP Action Table spreadsheet does not meet all accessibility requirements, the Word/Excel version of the LCAP is available as a tool to interested LEAs:

  • Supplement to the Annual Update to the 2021–22 LCAP Template(DOCX) Adopted by the State Board of Pedagogy (SBE) on November iv, 2021
  • Adopted 2022–23 LCAP Template (DOCX) Adopted by the SBE on Nov 4, 2021
  • Adopted 2022–23 Action Tables (XLSX) Adopted by the SBE on Nov 4, 2021
    • 2022–23 Activity Tables Instructions (DOCX)

The eTemplate (listed below) meets accessibility requirements and the California Department of Education (CDE) encourages LEAs to apply an electronic system.

  • The Local Command and Accountability Program (LCAP) Electronic Template (eTemplate) [] External link opens in new window or tab.
    • Guide to eTemplate Functionality (DOCX; Posted 12-Mar-2021)

LCFF Template Archive

Other Planning Templates

  • LCAP Federal Addendum Submission Organization External link opens in new window or tab.
  • LCAP Federal Addendum Template (DOCX) Adopted by the SBE on March 14, 2018
    Within California, LEAs that apply for Every Pupil Succeeds Human activity (ESSA) funds are required to complete the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), the LCAP Federal Annex Template (Addendum), and the Consolidated Application (ConApp). The LCAP, in conjunction with the Addendum and the ConApp, serve to encounter the ESSA LEA Program requirement.
    • LCAP Federal Annex Guidance
    • Submission of the LCAP Federal Annex Webinar Presentation Slides (PDF)
  • School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Template (DOCX) Posted January 27, 2020
    EC 64001 and the Every Student Succeeds Human activity (ESSA) requires schools that receive federal funds through the ConApp to consolidate all school planning requirements into the SPSA. In club to realign the SPSA to ESSA and the LCAP, the CDE is providing an updated SPSA template. The new SPSA template is to help LEAs and schools in meeting the content requirements for consolidating all school plans. For guidance on federal program planning requirements, please contact the Local Agency Systems Support Office at


Planning for the LCAP and School Plan

  • Parent advisory committee - as used in EC sections 52063 and 52069, shall be equanimous of a majority of parents, every bit defined in subdivision (e), of pupils and include parents of pupils to whom one or more of the definitions in EC Section 42238.01 apply. A governing board of a school commune or a county superintendent of schools shall not exist required to found a new parent advisory committee if a previously established committee meets these requirements, including any committee established to meet the requirements of the federal No Kid Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110) pursuant to Department 1112 of Subpart 1 of Part A of Title I of that deed.
  • English language learner parent advisory committee - equally used in EC sections 52063 and 52069 for those school districts or schools and programs operated by canton superintendents of schools whose enrollment includes at to the lowest degree 15 percent English learners and at least 50 pupils who are English learners, shall be composed of a bulk of parents, as defined in subdivision (e), of pupils to whom the definition in EC Department 42238.01(c) applies. A governing lath of a schoolhouse district or a county superintendent of schools shall not be required to institute a new English language learner parent advisory committee if a previously established committee meets these requirements.
  • Consult with pupils - as used in EC sections 52060, 52066, and 47606.5, means a process to enable pupils, including unduplicated pupils and other numerically significant pupil subgroups, to review and comment on the development of the LCAP. This process may include surveys of pupils, forums with pupils, pupil advisory committees, or meetings with pupil government bodies or other groups representing pupils.

For more information about best practices for stakeholder engagement, meet the CDE's Family unit Engagement Toolkit (PDF).

The LCFF Priorities/Whole Child Resource Map provides LCFF priorities and whole child resources and supports to help local educational agencies, schools, and families serve the needs of California's diverse educatee population.

The State Priority Related Resources page provides links to resources for developing and implementing state priorities in the LCAP.

The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Reports page provides access to search for the latest available LCFF funding and accountability information for individual schools, schoolhouse districts, and county offices of education.

The Quality Schooling Framework (QSF) is the California educator'due south destination for timely tools and practices to guide effective planning, policy, expenditure, and instructional decisions at all schools and districts.

The CDE conducted a formative analysis (study) (DOCX) of Priority iii (Parental Involvement and Family Date) Local Indicator Data reported by LEAs in the 2019 Dashboard. The CDE developed the report'due south blueprint with technical assistance from the Region 15 Comprehensive Centre at WestEd (R15 CC) and the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) W at WestEd.


  • California Teaching Lawmaking, Sections 52060 - 52077 External link opens in new window or tab.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Local Control and Accountability Plans
  • Unduplicated Students
  • Parent and Customs Appointment
  • Charter Schools
  • California Collaborative for Educational Excellence

More oft asked questions will be added as they go available.

Review of County Part of Education (COE) LCAPs

For an overview of the COE LCAP review process, see The Review of County Part of Teaching LCAPs past the CDE (PDF).

Canton Office of Education, Schoolhouse District, & Charter School LCAPs

California Pedagogy Code, Section 52065 External link opens in new window or tab. requires that the Superintendent post links to all LCAPs approved by the governing boards of school districts, county boards of education, and the governing bodies of lease schools, on the internet website of the Section.

2021-22 Canton Office of Teaching & School District LCAPs

2021-22 Charter Schoolhouse LCAPs

Canton Office of Education, School District, & Charter Schoolhouse Learning Continuity and Omnipresence Plans

Assembly Bill 130 External link opens in new window or tab. requires that the Superintendent mail service links to all learning continuity and attendance plans approved past the governing boards of school districts, county boards of instruction, and the governing bodies of charter schools, on the cyberspace website of the Section.

2020-21 County Part of Education & School Commune Learning Continuity and Omnipresence Plans

2020-21 Lease Schoolhouse Learning Continuity and Attendance Plans

LCFF and Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP)

The LCFF and UCP Alphabetic character provides information about the LCFF and Uniform Complaint Procedures.

Email Updates

If you would like to receive updates regarding the LCFF via electronic mail notification, subscribe to the LCFF listserv by sending a "blank" bulletin to (To unsubscribe, transport a "blank" message to

Contact Data

For questions related to the LCAP, contact the Local Bureau Systems Support Role at

For questions related to LCFF apportionments, contact the Principal Apportionment Section at

For questions related to the California Accountability Model and Schoolhouse Dashboard, contact the Academic Accountability Team at

Questions: Local Agency Systems Back up Function | | 916-323-5233

Last Reviewed: Friday, March xviii, 2022


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